Haiku Found on the Web
Bright red
The pitless sun
Autumn winds
Computer Generated Haiku
A gusty rain shakes
The bitter bitter flower
In a flowing river
Computer Generated Haiku using Edit feature
A flowing sun whispers
The flowing hidden waterfall
On a hidden rainbow
I asked three co-workers to read all three haikus and tell me which they liked best. I also
asked them if they could tell which haiku was written by a human. Two out of three people
thought that number two was the one written by humans. I then explained about the computer
program allowing you to edit the haiku and asked if they could tell which had been edited.
Only one person was able to guess correctly on that question. Everyone agreed that they
liked the number three haiku best. When I asked why the responses I got were: "I can picture
the hidden waterfall and the rainbow", "It seems peaceful", and "I'm not sure, I just do."